Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I established a Google account for two primary professional reasons:  to reserve a space for my name and to drive any resulting traffic to my LinkedIn profile.  LinkedIn is continuously changing and I am continuously learning how best to leverage it.  The latest change is the new profile that is gradually being rolled out.  It has a very different look and no longer supports some third-party applications.

Poof!  The files that I linked to my profile using Box.net are longer accessible through that application.  How best to maintain my modest portfolio?  Naturally, I turned to the Q&A forum LinkedIn Answers Home for advice.  The advice that was easiest to implement came from my friend Ken Larson, who has a couple of blogs using this platform.  Establish a blog using Google's free tools and link my Box.net files to it.

Who knows?  Maybe I will even start blogging!

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